About us
OUR roots
If RMC were a tree, we’d be a branch on a tall, wide and ancient tree. Throughout the Churches history Christians have summarized in numerous creeds and confessions what scripture teaches about who God is and what God requires of us. Recognizing we are not the first Christians to open the bible and try to make sense of it, we are therefore a confessional church, standing on the shoulders of those who’ve gone before us.
Among the many creeds and confessions of the church, RMC looks to The Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism from the 1640s as a reliable and faithful summary of what scripture teaches.
The authority of the Scriptures, emphasis on God’s grace, the centrality of the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of the Church are some of our vital doctrinal commitments.
We are a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. While we are connected with a large body of sister congregations, on the local level RMC works to express these essential beliefs in ways that our community can understand and embrace.
our worship
We meet for gathered worship every Sunday. In our worship we aim to be biblical, accessible and thoughtful: biblical in the content and pattern of liturgy; accessible to all who attend; and thoughtful with respect to style and feel.
We open with God calling us to worship him, followed by prayer and a hymn of adoration, because the Lord is worthy. After hearing again from God’s word, we confess our sins together and are reminded of his steadfast love and forgiveness. We confess together the basic truths of the Christian Faith and offer prayer in Jesus’ name for ourselves, our city and country, and the world. We hear from the preached Word of God and place ourselves under the authority of His Word, the Bible. And finally we respond to God’s Word by singing and celebrating the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Then after 6 days, we do it again.
We sing hymns, both ancient and modern, in worship of our God and Father, drawing on a heritage of beautiful poetry, demonstrating a robust theology, and set in our own musical language.
Community Groups
The gospel of grace creates a whole new community. One of our core values at RMC is building community. One of the main ways we try to do that is through our community groups. We have a number of groups that meet during the week in and around the city in members’ homes. By connecting with one another, sharing life in all its joy and pain, praying regularly with and for one another, and learning the gospel together, the body of Christ is built up and equipped to serve one another and our city.