* The Holy Spirit is active in the hearts and lives of all believers. Therefore, the gifts of the Spirit will manifest in numerous ways and not always in formal “areas of service”. The list of ministries and opportunities below are not meant to be comprehensive or exhaustive of every area where RMC members might serve. The areas listed below focus on some of the more tangible and quantifiable areas of services within the life, body and community of RMC where you can use your God given gifts and abilities. This is a “living” document that can and will fluctuate as ministries form, develop and grow.  We fully acknowledge that many will use their spiritual gifts in ways not formally listed below. We encourage all RMC members to seek ways to use their God given spiritual gifts and abilities to serve in the life of RMC and to help advance the Kingdom of God. Thanks for serving and to God be the glory!

If you have questions about a specific service opportunity or if you have interest in any of the below ministries, please contact the ministry leaders noted. If you have a general question or don’t know who to contact you may contact the RMC diaconate.

Learn about spiritual gifts and take an online spiritual gifts assessment by clicking here.

Sunday Worship Volunteers (10 am)

Jeff Koonce

  • Greeters / Communion Helpers (one position, two roles)

  • Read scripture

  • Corporate prayer

  • Audio & Video help for live streaming and recording

  • Musicians

  • Greeters / Communion Helpers

    Our greeters provide a hospitable welcome to everyone that walks into our building for worship and hand out worship folders, answer questions, and people where to go. Our greeters also help serve communion bread during the service. Expect to serve once every 4-6 weeks.


    Our readers will read Scripture during the service from the podium up front. Preparation and coaching may be required for this role. Expect to serve once every 6 weeks. Our readers are also asked to participate in our special services such as Good Friday, Christmas Eve, Advent Hymn Sing.

    Corporate Prayer

    This who lead corporate prayer will pray during the service from the podium up front. Preparation and coaching may be required for this roles. Expect to serve once every 6 weeks.

    Audio & Video help for live streaming and recording

    Help run sound and the livestream during the service. No prior knowledge is required, but technical aptitude is appreciated. Training is provided. Audio volunteers will need to come to the band rehearsal at 9am on Sundays. Expect to serve once every 4-6 weeks.


    All interested musicians, whether you play an instrument or sing, are encouraged to meet with Jeff about serving on Sunday mornings. Our musicians rehearse at 9am on Sundays. Virtuosity is not required, but preparation and flexibility are crucial. Expect to serve once or twice per month.

Children’s Ministry (0-3k)

Lauren Clegg

  • Lead a “Small Saints” class during the worship service (2-3 year olds)

  • Assist with a “Small Saints” class during the worship service (2-3 year olds)

  • Serve at the check in table

Children’s Ministry (3k-3rd grade)

Michal Mabray

  • Lead a “Godly Play” class during “Discipleship Hour” (Sundays at 9 am)

  • Lead a “Teach Me To Worship” class during the worship service (Children’s Church, 10 am)

  • Assist with a class during “Discipleship Hour” and/or the worship service

  • Maintain & organize Godly play sets

  • Organize children’s supply closets

  • Host and/or plan a party or special event

  • Volunteer for special events like Advent choir, Palm Sunday, Easter lunch, etc


Club 45 Ministry (4th-5th grade)

Michal Mabray

  • Teach or assist with a class during “Discipleship Hour” (Sundays at 9 am)

  • Host and/or plan a party or special event

  • All adults need to pass our background check and attend our yearly volunteer training. (Godly Play volunteers may need extra training.)

    Discipleship Hour (9 am)

    • There are 3 classes during the 9 am hour: Godly Play I, Godly Play II, and Club 45. Godly Play classes introduce children to Bible stories through story sets and play. Club 45 is a Bible survey class that covers OT one year and NT the next. Resources are provided for all classes.

    • We need 2 adults per class each Sunday (6 total). The goal for Discipleship hour is to have 2-3 adults committed to each class for the semester or even the year. Practically, this helps our volunteers from being spread too thin across several classes. More importantly, this helps teachers to build an ongoing relationship with our children as they serve them on a weekly basis.

    • We need a short sub list for each class, adults who are ready and willing to help out as needed.

    Worship Hour (10 am)

    • There are 3 Teach Me to Worship classes during the 10 am Worship hour. Children leave during the sermon (~ 30 minutes) for a time of teaching plus a short activity. Resources are provided.

    • We need 2 adults per class (6 total) each Sunday.

    • We are asking that all parents–all adults– consider serving our growing number of children in this way. If we have 24 adults volunteer with TMtW, each would each serve once/month.


    • Maintain & organize Godly play sets. This is a great way to become more familiar with Godly Play!

    • Help keep sets together in the right place

    • Make sure we have all pieces needed; note any missing or broken parts

    • Frequency of need: once a year or at the start of each semester

    Organize children’s supply closets

    • A few people to help clean out& organize supplies

    • Frequency of need: Semi-annual


    • Volunteer for yearly church events (Advent choir, Palm Sunday, Easter lunch, Pig pickin’, etc)

    • Help plan and set up for children’s activities at church wide events

    • Assist with food, decorations for Children’s events

    • Assist with Advent Choir

    • Host and/or plan a “class party” or special event–Reach out to Michal with ideas!

    • Host a special event (especially for a specific age/grade/class)

    • Plan an activity/gathering

Middle School Ministry (6th-7th grade)

Matt Clegg

  • Teach or assist with a class during “Discipleship Hour” (Sundays at 9 am)

  • Lead or host the MS boys community group or MS girls community group

  • Host and/or plan a party or special event

  • Chaperon an event

  • Summer retreat – help plan and/or attend as a chaperon

  • Mentor a student

Junior High School Ministry (8th-9th grade)

Matt Clegg

  • This ministry age group is under development

  • Teach or assist a class during “Discipleship Hour” (Sundays at 9 am)

  • Mentor a student

Adult Discipleship Hour 

Matt Clegg

  • Teach a class during “Discipleship Hour” (Sundays at 9 am)

Prayer Ministry

Carolyn Phillips

  • Join the RMC weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday mornings via zoom (7:00-7:45 am)

  • Commit to pray for urgent requests (via text)

  • Pray on Sundays at 9:00 am when scheduled

    • Connect with Carolyn if you are interested in joining a prayer planning team that organizes activities to help RMC grow in prayer. Could include helping organize a prayer training or prayer retreat or zoom calls, etc.

    • Serve as a leader for a Sunday morning prayer group that would meet during the 9:00 am Discipleship Hour.

    • Future idea – If RMC offered a 15-minute prayer zoom call on a weekly basis at a time that fit your schedule, would you be interested in coming on a regular basis or even from time to time? Contact Carolyn if interested.

Women’s Ministry

Michal Mabray, Women’s Ministry Coordinator

  • Serve on the women’s committee

  • Help organize and plan a women’s retreat

  • Lead or host a Bible study

  • Help plan special meals and gatherings

  • Host special women’s events

  • Mentor another woman

    • Annual Women's Retreat (out of town in February and in town in September)

    • Lead/facilitate a women's Bible study group in the fall or the spring

    • Host a women's Bible study group in the fall or the spring

    • Plan and/or host special events for RMC women (eg. Fall Wine and Conversation Night, Christmas Brunch, Spring Dinner, etc.)

    • Walk alongside other women at RMC in a specific capacity (eg. getting new members connected to the life of RMC, welcoming new baby/foster children with meals, connecting younger women with older women for informal discipleship, etc.)

Men’s Ministry

Matt Clegg

  • Serve on the men’s ministry committee (we don’t have this yet but we need one)

  • Help organize and plan the annual men’s retreat

  • Lead a Bible study

  • Host a Bible study

  • Help plan special meals and gatherings

  • Host an event

  • Mentor another man

Benevolence Committee

Sara Cordell, Committee Chair

  • Serve on the committee

  • Restoration Academy 

    • Tutor

    • Small group leader (every other week during school year)

    • Mentor

    • Faculty appreciation

  • International Friends at UAB

    • D&D (Dinner & Discussion): RMC sponsors quarterly, but members are welcome anytime

    • Holiday dinners with students

    • Rides to Walmart

    • Furniture donation and moving assistance

  • Red Mountain Grace

    • Visit a patient and their family

    • Take a patient a meal

    • Assist with room cleaning and prep for next guests

    • Welcome baskets

  • Lovelady Center (coming soon)

Missions Committee

Nate Vosicky, Committee Chair

  • Serve on the committee

  • Host a missionary family

  • Care for a ministry partner

  • Help plan and volunteer for a missions conference

  • Volunteer with special missions projects

  • Plan, organize or go on a short-term missions trip

  • Mentor someone considering global missions

Community Groups (CG)

Matt Clegg

  • Serve as a CG leader or assistant CG leader

  • Host a CG

  • Lead or host one of our middle school CGs for a year

Other areas of service

Charles Johnson or RMC Diaconate

  • Serve on an RMC “care team” formed by the session or diaconate

  • Mentoring (all ages and phases of life needed)

  • RMC yearly parties (Easter, Pig Pickin’)

    • Serve on the planning team or help with clean-up

  • Organize meals for new parents, sick, needy or others who could use meal help

  • Sign up to take a meal 

  • Host a meal for new RMC members or for people considering RMC

  • RMC building service projects

  • RMC courtyard maintenance

  • Congregational meetings and meals - help with set-up and clean-up

  • Use your passions, special skills and unique resources to meet a specific need in the RMC community

    • Financial planning; Medical; Lawn care; Home maintenance and repair; Cooking; Legal; Etc

FUTURE areas of service to launch and develop

If you are interested in helping launch or start these new ministries, please contact Matt Clegg.

  • College ministry

    • Adopt a student

    • Host a group of college students in your home periodically

    • Mentor a college student

  • “Hospitality & Aesthetics” Ministry Team

    • RMC Party planning

    • Sunday welcome & hospitality

    • Decorating the Avon for special events

    • Art

    • Avon furnishings

    • Other