““Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs;
Join to sing the pleasing theme;
Saints on earth, and all in heaven
Join to praise Immanuel’s name”
-Jonathan Evans”
From the beginning, Red Mountain Church has desired worship that was both ancient and authentic. Many of the hymn texts we sing are hundreds of years old and remind us of a faith that is bigger than ourselves, that has been passed down through the centuries. While our worship should be grounded in our heritage as people of God, it should also reflect who we are now and must speak to our time. To do this, we create new hymn tunes that suit our own musical language.
Yes, there is a steep learning curve to the music at RMC, but the richness of the texts and relevance of the music work together to reflect our own deep faith and real experience with Jesus Christ.
We strive to stir our minds, hearts and wills to commune with our God and Father through a heritage of beautiful poetry, demonstrating a robust theology, and set in our own musical language.
Other links of interest are listed below:
Hymn Collective (new music from RMC)
Red Mountain Music (older music from RMC)
NEW ALBUM out now!
This is a collection hymns sung at Red Mountain Church throughout 2021. We started multitrack recording all of the music from the services with a thought that maybe something would be interesting or useful. The idea of releasing an album of 16 tunes was not part of the plan, and really no one even knew we were recording.
The album process started with sifting through around 160 recordings and narrowing it down to the very best of the year. What we end up with is a real glimpse at the music at Red Mountain Church on any given Sunday. This is very representative of the music we play during worship every week.
There are 14 different musicians playing in 12 different combinations. These songs are recorded live with no overdubbing (and minimal rehearsal!) and cover a period from February to December of 2021. This project is a testament to the quality and consistency of the musicians with which God has blessed Red Mountain Church.
It’s available now on all the streaming services.
For questions about the music at Red Mountain Church, email our Chief Musician,
Jeff Koonce at jeff@redmountainchurch.org.