Red Mountain Church believes that children are valuable image bearers of God. We love how they remind us to wonder and hope. We appreciate how they reveal our adult tendencies of cynicism and anxiety. We rejoice in Jesus’ reminder that it is God’s good pleasure to give them the kingdom.

Because the Bible tells us that children are important to God and gifts to us, and that the blessings of the church are for them as well as adults, we also believe that we have a great responsibility to provide a safe, warm environment for their flourishing as worshippers. We hope to see them grow to cherish Scripture, to love Jesus and rely on Him for all they need in life and death, and to love their neighbors as themselves.

We are thankful to prayerfully serve your family through discipleship opportunities, fun events, and providing resources and support to parents along the way. 

Worship Service Hour

We have childcare options avialable for all kids ages 0 through 3rd grade. Children are welcome to join their parents for the duration of the worship service (wiggles are ok!). Look for special notes in the worship folder to help kids follow along! We have a room for mothers who would like more privacy to feed their babies where we livestream the worship service.


For the duration of the service, our nursery rooms provide safe, nurturing environments where babies and toddlers can play while their parents attend worship. 


For the duration of the service, our 2-3 year olds are invited to participate in Small Saints where they will have Bible story time, sensory play activities, scripture memory and crafts while in their room. 


Children ages 3K through 3rd grade have the opportunity to attend a fun-filled session during the sermon that focuses on common elements of worship. These children will join us for the beginning of the service and be dismissed to their classes before the sermon. They will be brought back to the worship service during the Hymn of Response in order to participate in communion with their families.

Discipleship Hour


All 8 weeks- 2 year olds are welcome to join us in the nursery during discipleship hour for free play or naps.


Children ages 3k-3rd grade meet for Bible stories with trained storytellers and doorkeepers. The Biblical accounts are told using story sets that encourage children to engage the way they learn best- through play! Children are then invited to process the story using art work or the story set itself. 


Club 45, our 4th-5th grade ministry, meets for a Bible survey class. They alternate years, reviewing the Old Testament for a full year, then the New Testament for the next. 


To help parents continue sharing the Good News of Jesus at home, we have several opportunities through the year such as seminars, book discussions, and moms’ group meetings. Look for a book resource area each Sunday near the RMC Kids Welcome Table, and sign up for RMC Kids weekly email containing announcements of upcoming events for children of all ages and their families! 


Please check in all children at the RMC Kids Welcome Table who are attending any RMC Kids rooms by 9:10 (for our 9:00 hour offerings), and by 10:10am (for our worship service offerings). They will receive a nametag, and you will receive a portion of the name tag that you will need in order to pick up your child from his or her room.

It is joy for us to welcome and serve all children! At check-in, please alert Michal if you have a child with special needs, allergies or other health concerns.               


We take any harm toward children seriously and will not hesitate to report abuse as a crime, both as mandated reporters, and as people who believe God loves children and seeks their wellbeing. RMC Kids volunteers and staff have completed background checks, child safety training, and agreed to our child protection policy’s code of conduct. View our Child Protection Policy

How to Connect:

If you have questions or would like to talk further about children’s ministry at RMC please email Michal Mabray, Children’s Ministry Director,